Proven technology,
Excellent results

Operations and Process

Cobra Energy Process DiagramCobra Energy Partners, LLC explores and develops helium and natural gas liquids reservoirs. Our team identifies prospective sites, capitalizing on wells that are shut-in, incomplete, and abandoned. These previously drilled wells by AMOCO, Chesapeake, Anadarko, and others are located in but not exclusive to the Hugoton region. This valuable recovery is possible because Cobra Energy is a manufacturer and operator of proprietary, portable extraction-separation plants. Our unique equipment is designed specifically to recover helium and natural gas liquids. The company is focused on developing well-established and proven gas reservoirs in the Hugoton formation, which is the largest known region of helium and natural gas liquids, discovery and production in North America. Within the bounds of the Hugoton there are thousands of orphaned natural gas wells that are contaminated with nitrogen and carbon dioxide and they must be capped off and abandoned. These orphans as they are referred to, hold valuable helium, NGLs, and other noble gas reserves, such as krypton, argon, and neon. This is especially significant in that helium is a valuable and rare strategic resource vital to industry, and NGLs are a critical manufacturing input around the globe. There is untapped potential and profits to be made utilizing our strategy.

Cobra Energy integrates two proven technologies to reliably predict substantial helium and liquids production in shut-in wells. Cobra Energy’s state-of-the-art plants extract helium and natural gas liquids from the wells, then purify and refine them for the market. We have identified over 100 wells that are ready for re-entry, production, and profit.

Excellent Track Record

States of ProductionCobra Energy Partners, LLC has a successful track record on 11 extraction-separation plants in Texas, Colorado, and Kansas. Cobra Energy’s technology has been in use in the field and proven on 5 different plants to specifically reject nitrogen and extract helium and NGLs with each well having varying flow rates and gas stream components. These early plants were the result of a collaborative effort between TXO, AMOCO, and our forerunner company, Nitrotec.

Research and refinements on our basic process have been ongoing for three decades. Our experts have made substantial improvements in the field of helium extraction. In addition, software development advancements have moved forward. Cobra Energy’s extraction units incorporate state-of-the-art industry-best sensors and gauge arrays, leading to changes in the control system, data collection, and higher standards in gas treatment. These advancements provide Cobra Energy with state-of-the-art energy efficiency and superior results from our specialty separation medium. Cobra Energy plants are wired in, with secure online components. The Cobra Energy plant is a modularized and efficiently planned unit, with rapid initial placement. The plant takes as little as 6-8 months to build and install in the field.

Modularization allows for plant relocation and site clean-up. We have the capacity to use natural gas straight from our wells as an energy source. Self-sustaining energy provides electricity and reduces our dependence on the power grid. This energy independence makes our target zones attainable. These advances have led to a reduced plant footprint, energy conservation, and a wider choice of sites to target. 


Cobra Energy Partners, LLC has a number of amazing projects in the works! We are on the edge of becoming a market force in the helium industry once again — the pieces are back in place. We are strong in our commitment to achievement and success. This is a rare opportunity to break new ground with our experienced and expert team. Details and specifics are available upon request and completion of an NDA.